- Director Service Regulation and Legal Affairs

- Director Service Regulation and Legal Affairs

Our Service Segments
The three main aspects of radiocommunications are radiofrequency planning, spectrum monitoring and radio frequency safety.
A licence is an authorisation granted to provide a service permitted by law to the public or to use a national resource.
The ICT Authority has an online Consumer Complaints System to enable consumers to lodge complaints or appropriate queries about ICT services.
As a converged ICT regulatory body, the ICT Authority has embarked on the process of consolidating regulation across sectors that are converging, such as telecomms, broadcasting and IT.
One of the main objects of the ICT Authority is to encourage the provision of accessible information and communication services, at affordable cost nationwide.
The Postal Authority was established as a regulatory body under the Postal Services Act 2002 for the postal, courier and ancillary services.
Online Consumer Complaint System
No solution found?
You have a complaint regarding ICT issues?
Log in to our portal and submit your complaint.
The Observatory gathers and compiles data and acts as a focal point for the provision of accurate core ICT indicators.
That has very much been the secret of our consistent success over the years. Below are a few steps of the process that we follow.
That has very much been the secret of our consistent success over the years. Below are a few steps of the process that we follow.
We plan an efficient sprint roadmap for team members to collaborate effectively.
We decouple the codes which enable our team to work faster and independently.
Internet Population Penetration Rate
Hits to CSA websites for past month
Number of Employed persons in the ICT Sector
Broadband Penetration RAte
Hits to CSA websites
Licensees Area
Licensee Details and Payments
As a licensee, you can view all your licences, their current validity as well as all their payment status.
You will also be able to update your contact details in this section.
What must I do if I am not happy with a telecommunications service?
Complain directly to your service provider. Contact your service provider’s customer care department or hotline. Use all available means to resolve your complaint with your service provider.
What must I make clear to my operator?
You can stress that you want to be treated fairly and in a reasonable timeframe.
What are my responsibilities as a consumer of a telecommunication service?
Consumers are required and advised to take time and be well informed before signing a contract; to ask questions at points of sale and to abide by the terms and conditions of the service.
How can I speed up resolution of my complaint?
Keep records of time and date of who you spoke to.
What does the ICTA do when it receives my complaint?
The Authority will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and provide advice for you to resolve the complaint or where necessary refer the complaint to the appropriate Authority.
Can I contact the ICT Authority about my complaint?
Yes but ensure you have exhausted all means and avenues to resolve the matter with your service provider.